2 cascos com LAMINITE … coisa feia
25 de dezembro de 2022acompanhem esse caso complicado que pegamos …
nós desejamos a todos 1 feliz natal e próspero ano novo…
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Ma perché i proprietari devo aspettare che si arrivi a quel punto senza intervenire prima?
Your chasing your tails on this one! Heels are still far too long which is distorting the hoof capsule. Gotta pull the heels back fully which will allow you to get the toes in check. I suggest you look into ELPO hoof trimming protocols. You’ll be able to gain a better understanding of your landmarks which will allow you to help more horses improve their comfort faster than with your current trim style. Getting the heels correct will allow you to get the toes pulled back for a properly balanced foot. The 60/40 split is very important. 60% of the mass of the foot should be nearer to the heels than the toe. With this horse your the opposite way.
nuôi ngựa để giải trí mà để con ngựa nó hỏng cả chân thì có tội quá …đừng nuôi ngựa nữa nhé thiếu kinh nghiệm và chăm sóc kém đấy .
Gostaria de saber quando vcs fazem essa raspagem no casco do animal doi?