Fonte: Canal Canal do Neno. Todos os creditos e referências ao produtor deste conteúdo! Poste suas dúvidas abaixo nos comentários e ajude-nos a divulgar o Mundo Animal! dom, agosto 13, 2023 7:17pm
Funny pigeon dancing Michael Jackson. Dove dancing Michael Jackson song.
I think I’ve been to this place before b wow
Poor pigeon have issues with his feet.
This is absolutely shocking 😢what kind of world do we live in when people find a clearly distressed pigeon in pain with a badly injured leg amusing ??shame on those people that find this entertaining . Anybody should surly know it’s certainly NO laughing matter when your suffering and in pain.
When i go out of an Apple Store
Awesome ❤☕️ Birds definitely have their own ROLL.Thanks for sharing.
That’s awesome
pigeon praying
to pigeon dancing