20 de julho de 2022 0 Por Canal do Youtube (Parceiro)

Conversa com Ifayemi Elebuibon durante sua visita ao Brasil no começo de 2016.

Sobre o Arabá

Araba Ifayemi nasceu em Osogbo, no estado de Osun, Nigeria. Ele provém de uma família que é reconhecidamente uma autoridade em na cultura Iorubá tradicional. Ele descende diretamente de Olutimehin, um dos co-fundadores da cidade ode Osogbo. Ele começou sua caminhada espiritual com a idade de 4 anos.

Sua educação formal se deu através de cursos por correspondência. Seus pais insistiram que ele tivesse uma completa educação baseada na tradição, aprendendo com renomados sacerdotes.

Araba Ifayemi é um poeta, artista performático, escritor de peças teatrais, herbalista e praticante de Ifá (sacerdote). Ele publicou vários livros, e artigos acadêmicos sobre vários aspectos da cultura e da religião Iorubá tradicionais.

Araba Ifayemi is also a recording artist with several credits on Yoruba poetic genre known as Ewi. His mostly social commentaries and parallax snaps cultural philosophy.

His traditional morality drama, Ifa Olokun Asorodayo called from Odu Ifa, was presented on Nigeria National Television Network popular series.

Yemi is an international scholar in-residence at San Francisco State University in California, USA, where he lectures on African Traditional religion and philosophy.

He is the founder of Ancient Philosophy International, Osogbo, Nigeria a Centre dedicated to teach African traditional religion and performing arts.

Ele treinou e iniciou muitos alunos dentro da tradição Iorubá.

Yemi numerous awards and recognitions include lifetime achievement chieftancy as the Araba of Osogbo a title that elevated him to a venerated position in the priesthood hierarchy.
He has also been honored with a doctorate degree of the Brandice University USA. He is an associate staff at Institute of Cultural. he was appointed a vice chairman of Board of Traditional Medicine, Osun State. He is also the current president of International Congress of Orisa tradition and culture, Nigeria Chapter.

He maintain a botanica and mini-museum at his House of Culture that has become a must stop for visitors to Osogbo for the city annual Osun Festival. Yemi has travelled to many parts of the world at the invitation of organizations, institutions, colleges, and universities and local governments.